comMUNACAtions – February 2016

The opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of MUNACA.

agreementMUNACA has a new Collective Agreement; come to the February 10 Lunch-and-Learn to find out more and ask your questions!

Email your contributions, questions and feedback (English or French) to:


Check the
MUNACA Events Calendar for all important dates:  Council and Committee meeting dates, member lunch-and-learn sessions, special events such as the barbecue and Christmas party, and Annual General Assembly and Special General Assembly dates.

What’s been happening …  – Our new Collective Agreement ratified!!

What’s Coming Up:  Save the Dates! –  CA lunch-and-learn…  Memorial service for Steve Millier

NEWS – Badawy Sha’ath, longtime MUNACA T-Council rep and Negotiations Committee member, has a double life as a reservist in the Canadian Army. While working at McGill, he has served on several military operations, and now has been tasked with Operation PROVISION, helping to settle Syrian refugees. He’ll be in Quebec City until the end of May, putting his fluent Arabic to work as an interpreter. Read more about Operation PROVISION here and here. We wish him all the best in this important work!

My Workplace initiative – Lynda Bray

Steward ProfileChantal Montreuil

