Summer Council Meeting Summaries

All Council meetings are held at the MUNACA Office, 3483 Peel Street. Please check MUNACA Events Calendar for all the dates.            

All MUNACA members may sit in at the council meeting of their post classification, without the right to vote. While liberation is only available for council members, you are welcome to attend on your own time.

The opinions expressed below are those of the councils and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of MUNACA.

August T-Council meeting – T-Council discussed: union policies; shop safety; working summer Fridays; job postings and position relocations. T-Council meetings are open to all union members – come and join the discussions! (T-Council Chair: Badawy Sha’ath,

Summer C-Council meeting – No report. (C-Council Chair: Jesse Radz,

Summer L-Council meetings  – L-Council met June through August to address library issues ranging from new branch heads at Schulich and Mac campus, to library HR advisor Isabelle Roberge’s inclusion on the university’s negotiation team, to the uncomfortable wait for many to learn of the university’s response to LAs and other members’ polite refusal to jump at the university’s demand that pay-equity repayments be made. As one council rep suggested – why not use these same pay-equity pay-back letters, sent to our members, to go after McGill administrators who allegedly and most certainly received illegal bonuses according to the Québec government and Bill 100?

Fall 2015 will be busy. The memberships of both MUNACA and AMUSE will be called together – remember “Better Together?” – to discuss and vote on a new set of merged by-laws which will form the basis upon which our unions will work collectively. Important – n’est-ce pas? Your library reps believe so – which is why we will be asking for your help and participation in this process. If you are newish to the libraries – let’s have coffee and talk, and if you are long-standing colleagues – let’s do the same! Until then… (L-Council Chair: Nancy Crowe,