Special General Meeting (Negotiations) – Virtual

Join us for our Special General Meeting decide MUNACA’s bargaining priorities on:

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

12:00 – 14:00


  1. Moment of Silence
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. MUNACA Code of Conduct
  4. PSAC Statement on Harassment
  5. Introductions:
    1. Administrator
      1. John MacLennan
    2. Negotiations Committee
      1. Mathieu Brulé – PSAC Porte Parole
      2. Thomas Chalmers – President & Chair of Negotiations Committee
      3. Robin Stanford – Vice President Labour Relations
      4. Sherrie Child – Vice President Internal Affairs
      5. Sophie Hough-Martin – Chief Steward
      6. David Roseman – Chief Steward
      7. Khalud Adam – Chief Steward
      8. Dino Dutz – Chief Steward
    3. Negotiations Support Committee Chair
      1. James Newman, Vice President Communications & Mobilisation and Chair of Negotiations Support Committee
  6. Presentation & Ratification of Negotiations Priorities
  7. Varia
  8. Adjournment

To register, please fill out this form, at least twenty-four hours before the meeting begins. Your union membership will be confirmed and the video link will be sent in advance of the meeting.

In Solidarity, 

, The MUNACA Executive Committee and MUNACA Negotiations Committee

*You may ask your supervisor to add an hour to your lunch time, which you will need to make up.