Wednesday April 20th, 2022, 07:00


Friday April 22nd, 2022, 07:00

48 hours – MUNACA ON STRIKE!

Every member of MUNACA is expected to report to their picket locations (see below) on the shifts they had previously indicated in their picket preference choices.

List of picket assignments is here.
Map of downtown picket locations is here.

Shift times are: 9:00-13:00 and 12:00-16:00.

This is the time for us to collectively demonstrate that we are just as committed to our bargaining priorities today as when we established them, and we are willing to walk off the job in support of:
– a decent pay scale,
– a cost of living increase, and
– respect for MUNACA workers
for all MUNACA workers who work tirelessly to put McGill at the top. Where is the fair compensation? The gratitude? The respect? When is enough, enough?


“When is strike action taking place?”
– You will be notified 24 hrs in advance of any strike action.
– You will be contacted by phone, or your alternate/personal email, when (please check your emails regularly for updates!).
– It is likely that MUNACA members will have their McGill email access cut off. This includes calendar appointments, storage drives, or and anything linked to these McGill accounts.
– In order to facilitate communications about where/when to show up, Send us your alternative email and/or cell phone number.

If you notice MUNACA emails going to your Junk folder:
– Go to your Junk Email folder
– Right Click on the email within the list you want to redirect to your Inbox.
– Drop down menu should offer “Junk”
– In “Junk”, select “Never Block this Group or Mailing List”
– Selecting solely “Not Junk” will not work.

“What do I bring?”
– Wear MUNACA t-shirts, lanyards, buttons, hats
– Please dress accordingly (look at the weather forecast)
– Wear comfortable shoes!
– Bring your masks, bottle of water and snacks for the 4 hour picket shift.
– Bring a piece of ID
– Noise makers, claquers, whistles, ear plugs, and energy!
– MUNACA Musicians bring your instruments and contact Rick Rossi for coordination.

“Where do I go?”
– Get to your meeting point (sent to members 24 hours prior)
– Find your strike captain to SIGN IN (look for the orange jersey)
– Follow your strike captain’s instructions and do strike activities (walking, making picket signs, picketing, handing out stickers…)
– Find your strike captain to SIGN OUT

“How do I get Strike Pay?”
– You must have signed your union card
– In order to qualify for strike pay, workers must carry out strike-related duties for a minimum of 4 hrs / day (flat rate, non-taxable).
– Strike pay, in accordance with regulation 6 of the PSAC Constitution is $75 / day.
– While $75 / day may seem low, it is one of the higher rates of strike pay provided by Canadian unions.
– Delay of 2 weeks for processing
– Printed checks will be issued by the PSAC.
– No strike pay if you don’t show up on site and sign in, and sign out.
– Your pay will be distributed by your local.

“What can you tell me about ‘scabbing’?”
– The term scab refers to people who continue to work during a strike. Working during a strike is also known as crossing the picket line. Replacement workers undermine the demands of the workers on strike, and are termed “scabs”.
– The Employer is forbidden by law to use ‘scabs’. Some managers might perform some of the duties, but McGill cannot hire new people to do the work of striking workers.
– If you know of scab workers, report this to MUNACA.
– Scabbing is a violation of section 25 of the PSAC Constitution (page 49) and the Quebec Labour Code.

“Is there anything to gain by striking? Will I ever recover the lost earnings?”
– Aside from the dignity and respect the workers gain from their employer by voting to strike, the improvements made to the collective agreement often result in not only material, but non-material gains as well. In many cases, the monetary gains made over the life of the collective agreement surpass any losses incurred during a strike.
– Sign the New Mode petition

“What impact does a strike have on the employer?”
-The very threat of a strike will often force employers to bargain seriously. They can’t get any work done when the majority of their workforce withholds its labour.

Questions / Concerns?
Please contact:

In solidarity.
The MUNACA Negotiations Committee

[MONTREAL] McGill University takes great pride in being one of Montreal’s top employers, however, that has not translated with regards to its treatment of its employees. Consequently, last week the MUNACA membership voted in favour of a strike mandate.

McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA), which represents nearly 2,000 support staff employees, has been in contract talks with McGill’s Administration; they started in earnest in September 2020. Our previous contract expired November 30th, 2018. Over the past 15 months, we have met with the Employer at least 50
times and still they have not adequately responded to our salary concerns.

MUNACA has informed the University that their last offer on salaries of March 10th was rejected by the membership. There has been no further attempts by the Employer to improve their final offer, hence the strike mandate was requested and approved. The Administration’s offer of March 10th is significantly below the cost of living, and would
mean that our members would be losing money for the duration of the contract.

Members of MUNACA are asking the McGill University Administration to come to the table with a wage offer that not only accounts for the skyrocketing cost of living, but that also recognizes the fact that the non-academic staff have been essential to keeping the University in operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This administration is proposing salaries well below the cost of living despite the fact that the Principal’s remuneration has risen to over $860,000 and their multi-billion dollar endowment has risen 45% since the pandemic.” says Thomas Chalmers, MUNACA President.

It is time that the University Administration realises that its status as “one of Montreal’s top employers” is not the reality for many of its employees. MUNACA employees have worked extremely hard to keep McGill functioning. All we are asking for is to be treated with respect and to have a fair contract.

Thomas Chalmers


MONTREAL, QUEBEC – The McGill Administration has proposed a multi-year salary freeze for many of its support staff who are currently in conciliation. The university administration has been in negotiations for nearly two years with the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA), the union representing these workers. The current contract expired in 2018.

The administration’s proposal reduces the maximum of many current salary scales, meaning that long-time employees currently at or near the top of the scale will see their salary frozen, in some cases until 2026.

Many of those affected are essential workers who operated on-site throughout the pandemic while the rest of the campus shut down and other staff worked from home. These workers provided animal care, on-site technical support, and worked front-line in residences with COVID outbreaks.

According to Statistics Canada, inflation in Montreal hit 5.7% in February, the highest level since 1991.

“This proposal is clearly unacceptable, especially in the current economy” says Thomas Chalmers, president of MUNACA, “It’s like they want us to go on strike.”

These negotiations follow a flurry of media coverage earlier this year around the salary of McGill’s retiring principal, Suzanne Fortier. She will receive over $860 000 in compensation this year, receiving an executive retirement bonus in addition to her base salary of $470,000.

Media Contact:
Thomas Chalmers, MUNACA President

February 25, 2022

For the past few days, we have been waking up every morning to difficult live images from Ukraine. In this age of social media, this conflict unfolding before our eyes shows how fragile our peace and freedom are. While the pandemic is still ongoing, another shocking event reminds us of the importance of compassion and solidarity.

“As we work together to build an inclusive society of rights and freedoms, some parts of the world are working to break peace. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian community in hope that this nonsense and insecurity will end as soon as possible,” said Yvon Barrière, PSAC-Quebec Regional Executive Vice-President.

PSAC-Quebec stands with Ukrainian communities in Canada and around the world against this outrageous action. The Ukrainian community in Canada is the largest outside of Ukraine. There are over 1.3 million people in Canada and some 40,000 Quebecers of Ukrainian origin among our members, colleagues, families and community. 

With the Winter semester underway, union representatives continue to work out of the on-campus office. Given staggered scheduling and the unpredictable situation, we ask that you contact us ahead of visiting the office.

The staff and executive can be reached as follows:

Christine McCunn, Office Administrator – or 514-398-6565
Josie Cioffi, Labour Relations Coordinator – or 514-398-5355
Josh Pavan, Research Coordinator- or 514-398-6565

Thomas Chalmers, President – or 514-398-4594
Nancy Crowe, VP Labour Relations – or (514) 622-9428
Sherrie Child, VP Internal Affairs –
Deborah Martin, VP Finance –
Debra Yee, VP Communication/Mobilisation –


[MONTREAL] McGill University takes great pride in being one of Montreal’s top employers, however, that has not translated with regards to its treatment of its employees.

McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA), which represents nearly 2000 support staff employees, has been in contract talks with McGill’s Administration since September 2020. Our previous contract expired November 30th, 2018. Over the past 15 months, we have met with the Employer 48 times. 

Recently, MUNACA was informed by the Employer that their last offer on salaries is close to being final, and that they have little room for movement. This offer is significantly below the cost of living, and would mean that our members would be losing money for the duration of the contract. The Employer is also refusing to pay retroactivity to those members who have left McGill, or who have retired.

Members of MUNACA are asking the McGill University Administration to come to the table with a wage offer that not only accounts for the skyrocketing cost of living, but that also recognizes the fact that the non-academic staff have been essential to keeping the University in operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This administration is proposing salaries well below the cost of living despite the fact that the Principal’s remuneration has risen to over $860,000  and their multi-billion dollar endowment has risen 45% since the pandemic.” says Thomas Chalmers, MUNACA President*. 

It is time that the University Administration realises that its status as “one of Montreal’s top employers” is not the reality for many of its employees. MUNACA employees have worked extremely hard to keep McGill functioning. All we are asking for is to be treated with respect and to have a fair contract.

Thomas Chalmers

To MUNACA members and the McGill Community,

September 30th is a momentous occasion, it acknowledges a shameful event in Canadian history that must be recognised, remembered. and never permitted to happen again. Young children were ripped away from their homes and family to ‘civilise’ them, what arrogance! This wasn’t civilising, this was genocide and another shameful fact was that at the same time this was happening in Canada, our elected representatives were at the United Nation signing a declaration against genocide, what hypocrisy!
The horrors of the Residential School system must be recognised and we must acknowledge what happened and commit ourselves to the truth and reconciliation. We should recognise and support those that have brought this horror to national attention. We applaud those that have struggled hard and long to have these horrors recognised. We owe them a debt of gratitude for bringing to light our tainted past. Only by accepting the truth and owning up to it can we build bridges with our indigeous brothers and sisters. Please take some time today to reflect.

in solidarity,
The MUNACA Executive Committee

Dear Members, 

With the Fall return to campus, we look forward to seeing many more of you. However, due to the current COVID-19 epidemiological situation we ask that you schedule an appointment prior to visiting the MUNACA office located on 3483 Peel Street. Scheduling ahead of time will ensure that we are able to respect all Health and Safety recommendations and keep everyone safe.

Should you wish to meet with staff or an executive committee member we encourage you to contact them directly to set up a time. 

Christine McCunn, Office Administrator – or 514-398-6565
Josie Chioffi, Labour Relations Coordinator – or 514-398-5355
Josh Pavan, Research Coordinator- or 514-398-6565

Thomas Chalmers, President – or 514-398-4594
Nancy Crowe, VP Labour Relations – or (514) 622-9428
Sherrie Child, VP Internal Affairs –
Deborah Martin, VP Finance –
Debra Yee, VP Communication/Mobilisation –