Salary Scales

Salary scales as of June 1, 2023 are here.

Salary scales as of June 1, 2022 are here.

Salary scales, as of June 1, 2017 are here.

Salary scales as of June 1, 2018 are here.


(A quick explanation for MUNACA members)

You may have noticed that the Collective Agreement says the following for this year’s increase: “By the same percentage as the Quebec Government Salary Policy (April 2018) on June 1st, 2018”

This is because at the time that we were negotiating the Collective Agreement, we chose to match it to whatever the public sector salary increase was (without yet knowing what it was). Similar to when you take out a loan that is pegged to the prime interest rate. This was a risk, but one that paid off. The 2018 increase (2%) is the largest in the Salary Policy.

The 2.0% economic increase was applied on the 2017 salary scale to produce the new 2018 salary scale. Therefore, all step rates in the 2018 salary scale in the collective agreement incorporate the economic increase.

Most MUNACA members can verify their salary increase by comparing the step rate they had in the 2017 salary scale with the step rate (one step higher) in the June 2018 salary scale, up to the maximum of the scale.

Special rules apply for some members (for example, those who are still secured on old scales) or for those who still need to forego their first progression increase in order to compensate for the Summer Fridays (see article 23.11).

Example 1: The MUNACA member works in PED 34 (Level 9, Pay Equity adjusted) and was paid at step 5 in 2017. The rate was $25.53. He will be paid at step 6 in 2018. The new rate is $26.83. This means an increase of 5.0% (2.0% for economic and 3% for progression in step).

Example 2: The MUNACA member works in PED 169 and was paid at step 12 in 2017. The rate was $32.72. She will be paid at step 12 in 2018. The new rate is $33.37. This means an increase of 2.0% (economic only since the employee is already at the maximum of the scale).

The salary increases take effect on June 1st, so members will see a small increase in their first pay (as this pay period is only partially after the increase is applied); their second pay will reflect the increase of a full pay period.